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2023년 1월 21일 토요일

네비암송 (51) "나 자신을 부인함"으로, "하나님과 다른 이들을" 사랑으로 섬기세요 (누가복음 9장 23절 / D-1 그리스도를 첫자리에 모심)


누가복음 9:23 또 무리에게 이르시되 아무든지 나를 따라오려거든 자기를 부인하고 날마다 제 십자가를 지고 나를 따를 것이니라 (개역개정) 23 Then he said to them all, “If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me. (NET)


9:23 cross. Self-denial was a common thread in Christ’s teaching to his disciples (cf. 14:26, 27; Mt 10:38; 16:24; Mk 8:34; Jn 12:24–26). The kind of self-denial He sought was not a reclusive asceticism (see note on 7:34), but a willingness to obey His commandments, serve one another, and suffer—perhaps even die—for His sake. 자기 부인은, 그리스도께서 제자들에게 가르치신, “하나로 연결되는 공통된 주제였습니다. 주님이 추구하신 자기 부인은, 고독하게 지내는 금욕주의가 아니라, 기꺼이 주님의 계명에 순종하고, 서로 섬기며, 그분을 위해 고난 아마 심지어 죽음까지도 감당하는 것이었습니다.

John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), 9:23.

Q. Why is so important of the self-denial in Christianity?

A. Self-denial is important in Christianity because it is seen as a way to follow the example of Jesus and to resist the desires of the flesh and the temptations of the devil. It is also seen as a way to put the needs of others before one's own desires, which is a key aspect of Christianity's teachings on love and compassion. Additionally, self-denial is seen as a way to grow in humility and to become more like Christ. It is one of the principles that Jesus set out in the gospels, when He said "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24)

By ChatGPT


아버지 하나님 감사합니다. 하나님의 한량 없는 은혜로 주님의 자녀 삼어주시니 감사합니다. 평생 동안 어떤 길로 걸어가야 할지를 분명히 보여주시니 감사합니다. 제 자신의 탐욕에 집중하지 않도록 하시고, 다른 이들의 어려움을 나의 것으로 여기고 섬기고 나누고 돌보도록 인도하여주시옵소서. 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 기도 드립니다. 아멘. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful for your abundant grace that has allowed me to be adopted as your child. Thank you for showing me the path to serving, loving, and showing compassion to those who are oppressed. Please guide me throughout my life so that I may follow your glorious way. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

* "네비게이토 암송 60구절 말씀 & 해석 & 기도전체 모음

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