출애굽기 34:6 여호와께서그의앞으로지나시며선포하시되여호와라여호와라자비롭고은혜롭고노하기를더디하고인자와진실이많은하나님이라 (개역개정)34:6 And
the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD God,
merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and
The words merciful
and gracious convey the idea of “overwhelmingly gracious.”…
The Hebrew word for goodness means “loyal love”; the word for truth means
“faithfulness,” “truth,” and “constancy.” When the Gospel of John introduces
Jesus as the Word, there is celebration of the fact that He is “full of grace
and truth” (John 1:14, 17). In this way John echoes the words of this passage.
To see Jesus is to see the Father! (John 1:18). 여호와께서 “자비롭고은혜로우시다” 라는표현은그분이 “압도적으로은혜로우시다”라는것을알려줍니다. “인자하심”이라는히브리어단어는 “충성스러운사랑’을의미하고, “진리” 라는단어는 “충실함”, “진리”, “불변함”을의미합니다. 요한복음이예수님을 “말씀”으로소개할때에, 그분이 “은혜와진리”로충만하다라는사실을찬양합니다. 이런방식으로요한은이구절의말씀을반영하고있습니다. 예수님을보는것이곧아버지를보는것입니다.
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