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2020년 12월 1일 화요일

네비암송 (03) 당신이 "감당할 수 있는 시험만" 허락하십니다 (고린도전서 10장 13절 / 승리의 확신)


고린도전서 10:13 사람이 감당할 시험 밖에는 너희가 당한 것이 없나니 오직 하나님은 미쁘사 너희가 감당하지 못할 시험 당함을 허락하지 아니하시고 시험 당할 즈음에 또한 피할 길을 내사 너희로 능히 감당하게 하시느니라 (개역개정) 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (NIV)

10:13 Paul encourages Christians in two ways regarding temptations: (1) God is faithful and will not suffer (literally, to let or to permit) believers to be tempted above what they can endure, and (2) God demonstrates His faithfulness by providing a way of escape. God is sovereign over the weight of temptation and the escape from temptation. A Christian has only himself to blame when he sins. 바울은 시험과 관련하여  가지 방법으로 그리스도인들을 격려합니다. (1) 하나님은 신실하시며 신자들이 견딜  있는 이상으로 시험을 받도록 허락하지 아니하실 것입니다. (2) 하나님께서 피할 길을 주심으로 그분의 신실함을 보여주십니다하나님께서는 시험의 정도와 시험에서 피하는 것에 대하여 주권적으로 역사하십니다크리스천은 그가 죄를 지을 때에 오직 자기 자신만 비난할  있습니다.
Joel R. Beeke, Michael P. V. Barrett, and Gerald M. Bilkes, eds., The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2014), 1658.

아버지 하나님 감사합니다현재의 시험과 유혹 속에서도 절망하지 않고 말씀을 붙들게 하시니 감사합니다시험이 너무 크고 피할 길이 없어 보이더라도하나님께서  모든 것들을 주권적으로 다스리고 계심을 믿음으로 고백합니다주님이 반드시 승리하게 하실 것을 믿음으로 기대합니다주님을 붙들고  상황을 이겨낼  있도록 도와 주시옵소서예수님 이름으로 기도합니다아멘 
Thank you, Father God. I am grateful that even in the midst of present trials and temptations, you help me hold onto your word. Even when the trials seem overwhelming and there seems to be no way out, I confess with faith that you rule over all things. I have faith that you will bring about victory. Please help me to hold onto you and overcome this situation. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

* "네비게이토 암송 60구절 말씀 & 해석 & 기도" 전체 모음

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