리딩 크리스천 블로그 사용법입니다

2020년 10월 19일 월요일

목양말씀암송 (19) 기독교 신앙은 영혼의 훈련입니다 (디모데전서 4장 7-8절)


디모데전서 4:7 망령되고 허탄한 신화를 버리고 경건에 이르도록  자신을 연단하라 4:7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 4:8 육체의 연단은 약간의 유익이 있으나 경건은 범사에 유익하니 금생과 내생에 약속이 있느니라 (개역개정4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (NIV)

4:8 Our passion for and pursuit of spiritual growth should be greater than our drive to be physically fit. Our souls need a regular workout program. You dont become godly by chance. 영적 성장에 대한 우리의 열정과 추구는 신체적으로 건강해지기 위한 우리의 노력보다 커야 합니다우리의 영혼은 정기적인 운동 프로그램이 필요합니다당신은 우연히 경건한 사람이   없습니다.
Tony Evans, The Tony Evans Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible, 2019), 1435.
4:8 TRAINING OF THE BODY. Having used an athletic image, Paul then comments on it in passing. While affirming the value of physical exercise, Pauls real interest is in spiritual exercise (godliness). PROMISE FOR THE PRESENT LIFE AND ALSO FOR THE LIFE TO COME. The life Paul refers to is the eternal life one receives through belief in Jesus (1:16). It is this quality of lifein both the present and the futurethat is promised to those who believe in Jesus. 육체의 연단 : 운동의 이미지를 사용하면서 바울 사도는 그것에 대해 언급합니다육체적인 운동의 가치를 인정하면서도바울의 진정한 관심은 영적인 훈련(경건입니다금생과 내생에 약속이 있느니라 : 바울이 말하는 “생명”이라는 것은 예수님을 믿음으로 받는 “영원한 생명” 입니다예수님을 믿는 자들에게 약속된 것은 현재와 미래에 동시에 있는 삶의 질입니다.
Lyman Coleman, ed., Life Connections Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bibles, 2019), 1926.

아버지 하나님 감사합니다예수님을 믿음으로 영원한 생명을 주시니 감사합니다하나님을 아버지라 부르며 주님과 동행하며 따르는 영적인 생명 주시니 감사합니다오늘도 주님을 가까이하며 주님의 뜻에 순종하는 훈련에 힘을 쏟게 하여 주시옵소서영적인 게으름을 물리치고영혼을 위하여 훈련하는 제가 되게 하여 주시옵소서예수님 이름으로 기도합니다

* "목양을 위한 말씀 & 해석 & 기도" 전체 모음

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