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2020년 10월 9일 금요일

목양말씀암송 (10) 예수님께서 당신의 회복을 위해 기도하십니다 (누가복음 22장 32절)


누가복음 22:32 그러나 내가 너를 위하여  믿음이 떨어지지 않기를 기도하였노니 너는 돌이킨 후에  형제를 굳게 하라 (개역개정22:32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." (NIV)

22:32 Notice that Jesus didnt tell Peter, If you turn back, but When you have turned back (emphasis added). According to Matthew, Jesus foretold that all of the disciples would run away that night, and they did (Matt 26:31, 56). So Jesus exhorted Peter to encourage and help them afterwards. Jesus prophesied Peters failure, his repentance, and his usefulness. This gives hope to believers who have fallen. Jesus offers a road to spiritual recovery and future ministry usefulness when they repent (see John 21:1517). 예수님은 베드로에게 “돌이키다면”이라고말하지않으셨습니다오히려 “돌이킨 후에”라고 말씀하셨습니다마태복음에 따르면예수님은 “모든” 제자들이 그날  도망  것이라고 예언하셨고 그들은 실제로 도망쳤습니다그래서 예수께서는 베드로에게 나중에 그들을 격려하고 도우라고 강하게 권고하셨습니다예수님은 베드로의 실패회개유용성을 예언하셨습니다이것은 넘어진 성도들에게 희망을 줍니다예수님은 그들이 회개할  영적 회복과 미래의 사역에 그들을 사용하시겠다는 길을 제시하십니다.

Tony Evans, The Tony Evans Study Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible, 2019), 1219.

아버지 하나님저의 실패조차 미리 아시고 오히려 저를 위해 기도하시는 주님의 사랑에 감사드립니다하나님께서 지금  순간에도 저를 인도하시기 때문에넘어져도 다시 일어나기 원합니다주님의 뜻을 더욱 힘써 행하는 주님이 기뻐하시는 믿음을 가지기 원합니다예수님의 이름으로 기도 드립니다아멘.

* "목양을 위한 말씀 & 해석 & 기도" 전체 모음

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SOLID JOYS 묵상 15 / 당신에게 선을 베푸시기를 기뻐하시는 하나님 (God’s Pleasure to Do You Good)

  SOLID JOYS  묵상  15 -  당신에게 선을 베푸시기를 기뻐하시는 하나님 https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/gods-pleasure-to-do-you-good?lang=ko - God’s Pleasure t...

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