리딩 크리스천 블로그 사용법입니다

2020년 10월 12일 월요일

목양말씀암송 (12) 진짜 행복한 사람은, 말씀을 즐거워하고 묵상하는 사람입니다 (시편 1편 2절)

시편 1:2 오직 여호와의 율법을 즐거워하여 그의 율법을 주야로 묵상하는도다 (개역개정) 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. (NIV)

1:2 in the law of Yahweh is his delight Instead of associating with the wicked, the blessed person takes pleasure in Gods Law. The Law (torah) of Yahweh can refer specifically to the Mosaic law or more generally to the instruction of God. 오직 여호와의 율법을 즐거워하여 :  있는 사람은 악인과 어울리는 대신에 하나님의 율법을 즐거워합니다여호와의 율법(토라)라는 것은 구체적으로 모세의 율법을 지칭할 수도 있고혹은 일반적으로 하나님의 가르침을 가리킬  있습니다.

he meditates The Hebrew word used here, hagah, means to murmur or read aloud. It has the connotation of pondering over something. Meditating on the Lawthe first five books of the Bibleshould result in obedience (Josh 1:8). 묵상하는도다 : 여기에 사용된 히브리어 “하가”는 “중얼거리다” 혹은 “큰 소리로 읽다”를 의미합니다그것은 무언가를 숙고한다는 의미를 내포하고 있습니다율법을 묵상한다는 것은 순종으로 이어져야 합니다.

John D. Barry et al., Faithlife Study Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016),  1:2.

아버지 하나님하나님의 말씀을 묵상할 때에 진정한 행복이 있음을 믿습니다말씀을 묵상하고 실천할 때에 영적인 감격과 충만함을 경험하기 원합니다진리 안에서 진정한 기쁨을 맛보도록 저의 마음과 태도를 계속 변화시켜 주시옵소서예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다아멘.

* "목양을 위한 말씀 & 해석 & 기도" 전체 모음

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  * 크리스천을 위한 마음 코칭 (1) - '은혜'와 '진리'의 하나님을 바로 알자 https://readingchristianbookclub.blogspot.com/2025/01/1.html

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