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2021년 5월 1일 토요일

네비암송 (12) "하나님 나라의 소망"에 대한 이유를 준비하세요 (베드로전서 3장 15절/ 증인으로서의 생활)


베드로전서 3:15 너희 마음에 그리스도를 주로 삼아 거룩하게 하고 너희 속에 있는 소망에 관한 이유를 묻는 자에게는 대답할 것을 항상 준비하되 온유와 두려움으로 하고 (개역개정) 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, (NIV)

3:15 sanctify the Lord God:Believers should acknowledge the eternal holiness of Christ by revering Him as the Lord of the universe who is in control of all things. to give a defense: Peter assumes that the Christian faith will be falsely accused. He therefore encourages Christians to have rational answers to respond to those false accusations. Meeknessis the same term translated gentle in v. 4. Meekness is not weakness. Scripture indicates that both Moses and Christ were meek men; however, they were certainly not weak men. Fear implies a high degree of reverence or respect. 너희 마음에 그리스도를 주로 삼아 : 성도는 모든 것을 다스리시는 우주의 주인으로써 예수님을 경외함으로그분이 영원히 거룩하신 분이심을 인정해야 합니다대답할 것을 준비하되 : 베드로 사도는 기독교 신앙이 거짓 비난을 당할 것을 가정하고 있습니다그러므로 그는 그리스도인들이 그러한 거짓 비난을 하는 자들에게 대답하기 위하여 합리적인 대답을 가져야 한다고 권면하고 있습니다온유와 : 온유하다는 것은 약한 것이 아닙니다성경은 모세와 그리스도가 모두 온유한 사람임을 지적합니다그러나 그들이 확실히 약한 사람들은 아니었습니다두려움이라는 것은 높은 수준의 경외심과 존경을 함축하는 것입니다.

Earl D. Radmacher, Ronald Barclay Allen, and H. Wayne House, The Nelson Study Bible: New King James Version(Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, 1997), 
벧전 3:15.

아버지 하나님 감사합니다죄인을 구원하시며 하나님의 자녀 삼으신 하나님의 은혜에 감사드립니다하나님의 아들이  땅에 오시고 죽으시고 부활하심에 감사드립니다하나님의 다스림 가운데 살게 하시니 감사드립니다하나님께서 천국을 예비하시고 그곳으로 부르실 것을 감사드립니다인간의 참된 길과 행복을 성경을 통해서 보여주시니 감사드립니다오늘도 주님이 주신 소망을 가지고 살기 원합니다예수님 이름으로 기도드립니다아멘 Heavenly Father, thank you for your amazing grace that saved us sinners and made us your children. Thank you for your son who came to this world, died, and resurrected for us. Thank you for reigning over our lives with your grace. We also thank you for preparing a place for us in heaven and calling us to be with you. You have shown us the right way to live and the joy of being in your presence. Please continue to guide us with your daily help, so we may live according to your will. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

* "네비게이토 암송 60구절 말씀 & 해석 & 기도" 전체 모음

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